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Who Are We?

Data Science Nigeria is a non-profit run and managed by the Data Scientists Network Foundation. Our Vision is to see Nigeria become the outsourcing hub for international Data Science/Advanced Analytics/ Big Data projects with opportunity to access 10% share of the global data science outsourcing projects, worth USD 3.3 billion in revenue by 2020

Our Vision

To build a world-class Artificial Intelligence (AI) knowledge, research and innovation ecosystem that delivers high-impact transformational research, business use applications, AI-first start-ups, support employability and social good use cases. We are committed to raising one million AI talents in 10 years and thus position Nigeria as one of the top 10 AI talent/knowledge destinations with 20% GDP multiplier impact. We are poised to accelerate Nigeria’s socio-economic development through a solution-oriented application of machine learning in solving social/business problems and to galvanize data science/Artificial Intelligence knowledge revolution, which will position Nigeria as an outsourcing hub for global projects.


Our Platforms

1st Inter-campus Machine Learning competition
Artificial Intelligence Boot camp
Artificial Intelligence Summer school for Grades 5-9 students
Free AI E-books
AI+ Knowledge Box
AI+ Clubs in secondary and universities
Deep Learning Nigeria
Artificial Intelligence for Executives

Our Achievements

600,000+ direct download of our Artificial Intelligence for Starter free e-book to stimulate interest in Artificial Intelligence through use cases and inspirational contribution from leading global AI experts including Prof Yoshua Bengio, Professor Emeritus Thomas G. Dietterich and Prof. dr. M. (Max) Welling


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